Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Next Commander in Chief?

Well, I have to keep this post short because I have to get out and milk the goats, but as I was checking my e-mail this morning I came across a news headline which blared "Clinton, Obama go on Attack in Pennsylvana Compagain Finale"-Democrats Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama questioned each other's character and readiness to be commander-in-chief in last minute television ads as the six week Pennslyvania primary campain steamed toward an uncertain conclusion on Tuesday" Great, "I am a better leader than you because I don't do this, this and this." Any five year old can give me that immature junk, constantly jabbing with the 'are you able to handle this responsibility?' and the answer comes back 'sure, we'll just put everyone on gonvernment run health care and we'll be fine'* You know, to be very frank neither of them have yet (to my knowledge) proven that they are fit to fill the bill of leadership. Micah 6:8 says, "He hath showed thee , O man, what is good, and what the Lord requireth of thee: surely to do justly, to love mercy, and to humble thyself, to walk with thy God." and in Matthew 20:26-28 we read, "But it shall not be so among you: but whosoever will be great among you. let him be your servant; and whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant: even as the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve and give his life as a ransom for many." Hm, you figure it out.

Neither as of yet has either shown discernment in the issue of the Iraq war. The more I read about what's going on over there the more I am convinced that neither Clinton or Obama have stopped to take any thing into account other than, 'we gotta get our poor boys home'. Laides and gentlemen, as a Navy brat I understand the grief of missing my father (among other things) and believe me, I want our men home with their families, but, and I believe that they will be the first to tell you, we've got a job to finish up, and we are doing well right now. Well, I'll have to finish this another time, because I am late to milk the goats already.

* this was originally written on April 22

1 comment:

Jasmine Baucham said...

Yankee Maiden,

I enjoy your passion for politics! I have a feeling we wouldn't agree on every point, but I do hope you finish posting your thoughts, and look forward to frequenting your blog in the near future!
