Okay, as we get back into this I want to make sure that I clear up some issues.
The question I asked specifically was, "What do we do with our unmarried years?" and as I was going over my notes form the previous post I think that question is answered by 1 Corinthians 7:32&34. The application of this truth will look different in each person's life, depending on where God has them, but the basic truth remains the same: single years are for service and spiritual growth in ways that married people may not be able to based on the difference in responsibilities.
Therefore I am posing a new question to you:
How does college and higher education fit in? Earlier we discussed the fact that many people, not all, attend college for various reasons that do not fit within the biblical guidlines for this period of life.
One point I want to make sure that I am very clear on is this: in and of itself college is not a sin. It can most certainly be a breeding ground for all sorts of sins, but of itself it is not a sin. Higher Education (which sometimes includes college and sometimes does not) is not only not a sin, but it is vitally important to the preservation and passing on of life and liberty. Also, there is the concern of the many influences on campus (1Cor.15:33).
So, some questions to ask as we muse about college are as follows:
1) Why am I doing what I am doing? Does this have eternal value (2 Cor.5:9-11; 1 Cor. 3:10-15)?
2) Is this going to inhibit my ability to serve the Lord?
3) Is there another way that I can learn and grow without exposing myself to the negative influences? (i.e. distance learning, self teaching, etc)
4) Is this going to help prepare me for the future calling of wife and mother?
There are questions I cannot answer for you; you have to evaluate them through prayer, searching the scriptures and the counsel of of wise believers (preferrable your parents, though I realize that not all people have the blessing of godly Christian parents. In this situation, seek godly advice from an older, mature believer).
Some References for you:
"So Much More" by Anna Sophia and Elizabeth Botkin
"What's a Girl to do?" by Doug Phillips, cd
" The Return of the Daughters" by Anna Sophia and Elizabeth Botkin, movie/dvd
"Making Wise Decisions About College and Life After High School" by Doug Phillips, cd
Announcement: Domestic Felicity is moving!
It's funny, but when I think about it, I realize that in the years that
passed since I started blogging I have moved house five times - once when I
was sti...
8 years ago